Philip Rainey KC – Tanfield Chambers


Tanfield is a leading barristers’ chambers specialising in enfranchisement and residential property management and was voted Chambers of the Year at the Enfranchisement and Right to Manage Awards in 2009, 2010 and 2012. Notable names include Philip Rainey KC, Mark Loveday and Chris Heather. Members of Chambers have appeared in numerous leading cases including Sportelli, Aggio, Nailrile, Arbib, Prospect Estates, Arrowdell and Magnohard. Clients range from the major London Estates to individual leaseholders in all parts of England and Wales. Chambers accepts direct instructions from chartered surveyors under Licenced Access and from members of the public under the Bar Council’s Direct Access scheme.

Contact Details

2-5 Warwick Court


Main contact: Mr P Rainey KC

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