ALEP Spring Conference goes past 200

The ALEP Spring Conference yesterday at the IET in London's Savoy Place was ALEP's largest so far and tapped into the current issues in Leasehold Enfranchisement.


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210 delegates were privileged to hear two fantastic but very different speakers. Anthony Radevsky, barrister at Falcon Chambers, talked about the recent McHale case that centred on the relevance or otherwise of the ‘No Act World’ principle in determining tenants’ liability to pay marriage value. Ray Boulger of mortgage broker John Charcol brought enfranchisement into the real world with some revealing insights into how lenders deal with short leases.

A lively and sometimes controversial panel question and answer session was chaired by ALEP Honorary President Damian Greenish and included the two keynote speakers plus Samantha Bone of Wallace LLP, Robert Orr-Ewing of Knight Frank and David Ramsell of the Cadogan Estate.

The conference also had presentations from ALEP’s press officer Clive Booth encouraging members to let him know all their news. Honorary President Alex Greenslade reviewed the 6 months so far and revealed the new ALEP At The Horses social event to be run later in the year. Promotions and Members Services officer Andy Szebeni reviewed the many improvements to the ALEP web site and the current online marketing activities.

A bonus session in the morning covering business networking skills was delivered by Andy Szebeni. Almost 40 attendees were able to practice their new-found skills at the coffee break and during the drinks reception immediately after the main conference.

Photographer Andrew Dunsmore was on duty and images from the conference will shortly be available for all to view on the web site.

The conference team is processing the responses to the interactive voting and members will shortly be able to download all the slides including the voting results.

The audio of the conference is available for members to download for free. Non members can order the recording for £30 ex VAT. Please email using the contact form to order today.

For downloads, audio and photographs go to the the past event story by clicking here